Over the past couple of years, we've accumulated a range of new gins. We've continued to experiment with flavours and we now have a full recommended gin menu.
We've become a Saturday night favourite for gin drinkers in Southwark. Take a look a the menu below.
We pride ourselves on a versatile selection of craft beers here at The Ring. We do our best to focus on local breweries and bring a variety of flavours to our beer taps.
We are constantly changing and rotating so please check Twitter for daily updates @TheRingBar
We pride ourselves on a versatile selection of craft beers here at The Ring. We do our best to focus on local breweries and bring a variety of flavours to our beer taps.
We are constantly changing and rotating so please check Twitter for daily updates @TheRingBar
Over the past couple of years, we've accumulated a range of new gins. We've continued to experiment with flavours and we now have a full recommended gin menu.
We've become a Saturday night favourite for gin drinkers in Southwark. Take a look a the menu below.